High-level summary of application.
https://github.com/cnikolai - https://www.linkedin.com/in/cynthia-nikolai/
https://github.com/Sergio-Valdez - https://www.linkedin.com/in/sergio-valdez-8601b3213/
https://github.com/zcr003 - https://www.linkedin.com/in/zac-ramsey
This Android application is designed to help prospective employees and interviewers in the IT field prepare for the big day. Coming with preset questions and self-created interview quizzes, a user can comfortably practice for a variety of different interviews in the tech field. A custom question feature makes it accessible for interviewers to use, quizzing applicants on whatever they seek to know.
The application (client and server together) stores general interview questions as well as detailed technical interview questions. Additionally, it stores a good example answer for each question while allowing the user to store additional questions and answers for self practice. We chose a professional color scheme intended to help put the user’s mind at ease as they prepare for a stressful interview.
We chose this particular application to give us a well-rounded Android development experience. Our goal is to create an impressive app to show an employer while conveniently preparing us for interview day. Some major take-a-ways from this project have been learning how to:
The user is able to
A recent college graduate who studied in a technology field
As a recent college graduate who wants to be as prepared as possible for a technical interview, I want to prepare for and practice common technical interview questions, so that I can get my dream technical job.
A manager who wants to find technical interview questions to ask a potential new hire.
As a manager who wants to find the best candidate for a job, I want to find and ask good technical interview questions, so that I can hire the most talented people for my organization.
Client Side Design, Implementation, & Basic User Instructions
Note: The server can also serve as a backup storage container for the user’s interview data.
Server Side Design & Implementation
The application currently has basic functionality implemented and serves as a working proof-of-concept prototype. Upon first opening the application the user is brought to a Google Sign-in screen and is prompted to enter their information. Once logged in the user sees the Question home screen that displays a list of questions along with icons that give the ability to add new questions or edit and delete current questions. As a user selects a specific question from the list they are taken to a question detail screen that displays the question along with the answer and the source all with color coded headings. The quiz feature allows the user to scroll/swipe through a list of randomly generated questions from our server.
Enhancements include a history function that allows a user to see a list of previously accessed questions, a category feature that organizes the interview questions into specific categories such as Java, Android, HTML, and more. Another unimplemented feature is hiding the answer from the user once they begin a quiz and storing their answer in the cloud. Finally we would like to implement the ability to select the length of the quiz based on user preferences in settings/shared preferences.
Cosmetic enhancements include allowing users to change the background image and customize the color scheme.
Ubuntu Linux OS
Apache HTTP server configured as reverse proxy
Apache Tomcat Java application server
Web service application, incorporating:
Data model
Embedded Apache Derby database
Hibernate ORM
Custom entity classes
Spring Boot Data
Custom data repository interfaces
Service controllers
Spring MVC
Custom controller classes
View composition & serialization
Jackson JSON
Custom view classes & interfaces
Spring Security
Google Sign In (external service; see https://developers.google.com/identity)
Custom authentication verifier method for audience (client ID)
Android OS
Data model
Room ORM
Custom entity and other model classes
Custom type converters
Data access object (DAO) interfaces
Remote service interfaces
Custom serializer/deserializers
Viewmodel components
Android Lifecycle framework (ViewModel & LiveData)
Custom viewmodel classes
Custom RecyclerView.Adapter and RecyclerView.Holder classes
Custom layouts
Custom activity and fragment classes
Google Sign In (external service; see https://developers.google.com/identity)
Custom sign in service class