Class CategoryController

  • @RestController
    public class CategoryController
    extends Object
    This class creates REST endpoints that has access to the Question entity in the database through the Category services. Identified by the URL /interviewprep/categories.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CategoryController

        public CategoryController​(CategoryService categoryService)
        Constructor that instantiates a new User service object.
        categoryService - Category service object.
    • Method Detail

      • get

        public Category get​(@PathVariable
                            UUID externalKey)
        This method defines the behavior of a GET request to the URL /interviewprep/categories/externalKey. It grabs the current category from the Category service.
        externalKey - External key in the form of a universally unique identifier as identified by the path variable external key.
        A Category object in the form of JSON.
      • post

        public Category post​(@RequestBody
                             Category category)
        This method defines the behavior of a POST request to the URL /interviewprep/categories. It creates a new category through the Category service.
        category - A Category Object in the form of request body.
        A Category object in the form of JSON.
      • put

        public Category put​(@PathVariable
                            UUID categoryId,
                            Category category)
        This method defines the behavior of a PUT request to the URL /interviewprep/categorie/categoryId. It updates a category through the Category service.
        categoryId - An id in the form of a universally unique identifier as identified by * * the path variable categoryId.
        category - A Category Object in the form of request body.
        A Category object in the form of JSON.
      • delete

        public void delete​(@PathVariable
                           UUID externalKey)
        This method defines the behavior of a DELETE request to the URL /interviewprep/categories/externalkey. Returns a HTTP no content status via header.
        externalKey - External key in the form of a universally unique identifier as identified by the path variable external key.
      • get

        public Iterable<Category> get()
        This method defines the behavior of a GET request to the URL /interviewprep/categories.
        a list of all categories from database via the category service.