Class User

  • @Entity
    public class User
    extends Object
    This is our User entity class that represents User objects in the database. It is keeping track of all attributes (i.e., id, externalKey, oath key, created, display name).
    • Constructor Detail

      • User

        public User()
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        public UUID getId()
        Returns the primary key identifier for this instance.
      • getExternalKey

        public UUID getExternalKey()
        Returns a unique external key identifier for this instance.
      • getCreated

        public Date getCreated()
        Returns an object creation Date for this instance.
      • getOauthKey

        public String getOauthKey()
        Returns a unique OAuth key identifier for this instance.
      • setOauthKey

        public void setOauthKey​(String oauthKey)
        Sets the OAuth key identifier for this object.
      • getDisplayName

        public String getDisplayName()
        Returns a display name for the User.
      • setDisplayName

        public void setDisplayName​(String displayName)
        Sets a display name for the User.
      • getQuestions

        public List<Question> getQuestions()
        Returns a list of questions from the database.