All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Class Description Category This is our Category entity class table.CategoryController This class creates REST endpoints that has access to the Question entity in the database through the Category services.CategoryRepository This interface defines various methods that can be used to query the database.CategoryService This class implements the high level persistence and business logic for theCategory
entity.ExceptionResponseMapping This is the class that REST communicates to JPA that an exception has occurred, returns a user friendly status code in the header response.InterviewprepServerApplication This is the main class that initiates the Spring server application.Question This is our Question entity class that represents Question objects in the Database.QuestionController This class creates REST endpoints that has access to the Question entity in the database through the Question and User services.QuestionRepository This interface defines various methods that can be used to query the database.QuestionService This class implements the high level persistence and business logic for the Question entity.SecurityConfiguration This class handles the security configuration of our Server Application.User This is our User entity class that represents User objects in the database.UserController This class creates REST endpoints that has access to the User entity in the database through the user service.UserRepository This interface defines various methods that can be used to query the database.UserService This class implements the high level persistence and business logic for the User entity.